LED Effects

Some ready-to-use LED effects where created for Swarm in Blocks

Easy LED effects for formations

For easier and more practical led effects on the clover swarm, we created some ready-to-use effects for the formations, they are:

  • All Drones LED Effect

  • Random Drones LED Effect

  • Even Drones LED Effect

  • Odd Drones LED Effect

  • 2D Formation LED Effect

For a better visualization for the user we increased the size of the led ring bulbs, here is the new size of the ring light:

All these events are based on some pre-established functions and are selected by the user input in the LED functions. The effects list and a short explanation about them are ahead.

  • Fill: All the LEDs stay turned on in the same color

  • Fade: The LEDs will turn on and then turn off slowly, fading

  • Flash: The lights will blink a few times and then keep off

  • Blink: The LEDs will stay blinking in a determined frequency

  • Blink Fast: It's equal to the Blink Effect, but with a higher frequency

  • Wipe: The lights are turned on progressively, doing a circular motion

  • Rainbow: The LEDs of each drone make a rainbow, with multiple colors

  • Rainbow Fill: Similar to the Rainbow Effect, but the lights are the same


All Drone LED Effect

All drones assume the same color and effect, which are defined by the user.

Random Drones LED Effect

In this mode, all drones assume the same effect, but each one has a different color, generated automatically and randomly.

Odd and Even Drone LED Effect

For the Odd effect, all drones with an odd ID will turn on a LED with the selected effects and details. The same applies to drones with Even IDs.

Formation led_effect

Each formation has an unique color effect already programmed, the user just defines the effect that will be applied and the colors that will be applied for each case, like in square the user defines 2 colors, in a cube the user defines the effect based on the number of layers that the cube has.

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